War & Military

History of the Thirty Years War, Volume 3

Read by Alan Winterrowd

Friedrich Schiller

The History of the Thirty Years War is a five volume work, which followed his very successful History of the Revolt of the Netherlands. Writ…

Notes of a Camp Follower on the Western Front

Read by Clive Catterall

E. W. Hornung

In 1915 Oscar Hornung, son of the famous author E W Hornung, was killed at Ypres after less than a year as a soldier in Flanders. He was onl…

A Woman's Experiences in the Great War

Read by Expatriate

Louise Mack

An eye-witness account of the fall of Antwerp to the Germans in the opening months of World War I, Mack’s story has passages of extraordinar…

A Soldier Of The Legion;An Englishman's Adventures Under The French Flag in Alg…

Read by David Wales

George Manington

An educated gentleman, Mr Manington has given an insight into the unusual experiences of an Englishman in the French Foreign Legion, such as…

Brown Book of the Hitler Terror

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Dudley Leigh Aman Marley

The Brown Book was the first English publication to detail events which were currently happening in occupied Germany in 1933; book-burning a…

War Letters From A Young Queenslander

Read by Beth Thomas (1974-2020)

Robert Marshall Allen

Letters from a Brisbane doctor posted to the Western Front from 1914 to December 1915. He tells anecdotes of World War I including stories o…

Queen Elizabeth

Read by Pamela Nagami

Mandell Creighton

"The Princess Elizabeth of England was born at Greenwich, between three and four of the afternoon of September 7, 1533. Her birth was a…

War Surgery - From Firing Line to Base

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Basil Hughes

One of the first volumes dedicated to systematized medical treatment of soldiers in modern warfare, including a chapter on specific care for…

A Journal of Impressions in Belgium

Read by Expatriate

May Sinclair

In 1914, at the age of 51, the novelist and poet May Sinclair volunteered to leave the comforts of England to go to the Western Front, joini…

Bullets & Billets

Read by DrPGould

Bruce Bairnsfather

A front-line view of life in the trenches of the Western Front in the early part of 1914-1915. Told by Lieutenant (later Captain) Bruce Bair…

Autobiography of a Seaman, Vol. 2

Read by Timothy Ferguson

Lord Thomas Cochrane

This second volume of the biography of Lord Cochrane deals with his fall from grace, imprisonment for debt, loss of honours, and attempts to…

The Life of Nelson

Read by NoelBadrian

Robert Southey

In 1813, the year that he was appointed Poet Laureate, Robert Southey published "The Life of Nelson". Horatio, Lord Viscount Nels…

Young Folks' History of the American Revolution

Read by Gary Bohannon

Everett T. Tomlinson

This work has grown out of the desire frequently expressed to the writer when he has been lecturing on the American Revolution, that in some…

The Crusades

Read by Pamela Nagami

George William Cox

The Crusades were a series of religious wars fought between 1096 and 1272 to recover the Holy Land from Islamic rule. According to the Latin…

Warwick the Kingmaker

Read by Pamela Nagami

Charles William Chadwick Oman

Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick (1428-1471), wealthy and powerful peer of England, was one of the leaders of the Wars of the Roses (14…

Ιστορίαι (Histories) Βιβλίοv 1 (Book 1)

Read by olorou


Η Ιστορία του Θουκυδίδη εξιστορεί τα πρώτα 20 χρόνια του πολέμου μεταξύ της Αθήνας και της Σπάρτης, που κράτησε από το 431 μέχρι το 404 π.Χ.…

Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


A collection of true stories of the high seas, from the nineteenth century. Shipwrecks, mutiny, life and death decision-making -- all far fr…

The British Army From Within

Read by David Wales

E. Charles Vivian

This 1914 book gives a picture of the British Army structure and life in the early hours of World War I. Summary by david wales

Roman History: The Early Empire, from the Assassination of Julius Caesar to tha…

Read by Pamela Nagami

William Wolfe Capes

William Wolfe Capes (1834-1914) was an Anglican cleric, a classicist, and a historian. This is his short chronicle of the early Roman Empire…


Read by Pamela Nagami

George Hooper

Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, (1769-1852), was born in Dublin, the younger son of an Irish Protestant aristocrat. He served with…

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