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How the Great Bull Fled for his Life

In Two On the Trail

Read by Laurie Banza

Edith Elise Cowper

A young family's story of pioneer life consisting of a teenage daughter (Nell) and her younger brother David, aka "Da", along with…

Determining the Mean Density of the Earth

In Scientific American Supplement, No. 492, June 6, 1885

Read by Laurie Banza


The Scientific American may be the oldest continuously published periodical in the United States, havinge launched its first publication in …

Doctor Rabbit Gets a Call

In Doctor Rabbit and Ki-Yi Coyote

Read by Laurie Banza

Thomas Clark Hinkle

KI-YI, the coyote, is chasing and causing terrible havoc for Doctor Rabbit and all the little creatures of the Big Green Woods. Whatever can…


In The Cake and Biscuit Book

Read by Laurie Banza

Elizabeth Douglas

This is a collection of recipes for all types of cakes and biscuits including sponge cakes, fruit cakes, gingerbread and icings. - Summary b…

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