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Lecture 1, part 2 The Four Ashramas

In Ancient Ideals in Modern Life: Four Lectures

Read by Susheel C

Annie Besant

Four lectures about East Indian spirituality delivered at the twenty-fifth anniversary meeting of the Theosophical Society at Benares, 1900.…


In Princess Sukey: The Story of a Pigeon and Her Human Friends

Read by Susheel C

Marshall Saunders

Dear little Princess Sukey sitting by the fire—pretty little pigeon—of what is she thinking as she dreamily eyes the blazing wood? If a pige…

The House With the Brick-Kiln

In The Room in the Tower, and Other Stories

Read by Susheel C

E. F. Benson

These stories have been written in the hopes of giving some pleasant qualms to their reader, if by chance, anyone be occupying in their peru…

The Policeman

In A Rough Shaking

Read by Susheel C

George MacDonald

Clare was a wanderer. Orphaned by an earthquake when too young to even remember his full name, his childhood was a succession of challenges …

The Lore of the Honey-Bee

Read by Steve C

Tickner Edwardes

The sun shines — you know it has always shone, changeless as Time itself. With such a faith — unfounded and therefore incontestable — I cam…

The Bee-Master of Warrilow

Read by Steve C

Tickner Edwardes

"Is it true that a bee can only sting once?" I asked him, as he bent again over the crocus beds.He laughed."What would be the…

Stories of North Pole Adventure

Read by Steve C

Frank Mundell

This volume does not pretend to be a history of Artic exploration. My aim has been to narrate some of the most thrilling incidents of Polar …

Stories of the Victoria Cross

Read by Steve C

Frank Mundell

The Victoria Cross is the highest military award that can be made to members of the British and Commonwealth armed forces for acts of gallan…

The Art Of Cookery Made Plain And Easy

Read by Steve C

Hannah Glasse

Although this recording has been made using the 1784 version, the original book of The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy was first publish…

The Daredevil of the Army - Experiences as a ''Buzzer'' and Despatch Rider

Read by Steve C

Austin Patrick Corcoran

At just twenty-six years of age, the author – A P Corcoran had already led an adventurous life, having twice sailed around the world, experi…

Stories of the Lifeboat

Read by Steve C

Frank Mundell

There's fury in the tempest,And there's madness in the waves;The lightning snake coils round the foam,The headlong thunder raves;Yet a boat …

With The Royal Army Medical Corps in Egypt

Read by Steve C

Tickner Edwardes

Throughout the First World War, members of the Royal Army Medical Corps provided constant support for British and Allied military troops whe…

The London and Country Brewer

Read by Steve C


The unknown author of this book, appears to have experienced too many unwholesome and unpleasant beers and ales on his numerous travels in L…

Lift-Luck on Southern Roads

Read by Steve C

Tickner Edwardes

Here for you is the tale of my latest solitary ramble. The journey covers, as you shall see, some two hundred odd miles, through five southe…