Search Results

The Shadow of the North

Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan

Joseph A. Altsheler

"The Shadow of the North," while an independent story, in itself, is also the second volume of the Great French and Indian War ser…

The Rulers of the Lakes

Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan

Joseph A. Altsheler

"The Rulers of the Lakes" is a complete story, but it is also the third volume of the French and Indian War Series, following &quo…

Tum Tum, the Jolly Elephant

Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan

Richard Barnum

Tum Tum is such a good-natured elephant, even through all his adventures. He is always so helpful, whether in his jungle home or in the cir…

Nero, the Circus Lion

Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan

Richard Barnum

Nero lived in the jungle with his family, his mom and dad, his brother and sister. He liked to play with his friend Switchie, who tends to …

A Bitter Trap

In The Scalp Hunters

Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan

Thomas Mayne Reid

"Unroll the world’s map, and look upon the great northern continent of America. Away to the wild west, away toward the setting sun, awa…

14 - Against Big Odds

In The Pony Rider Boys in New Mexico

Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan

Frank Gee Patchin

Yee-Haw!! The Pony Rider Boys are on the move again! This time they are on their way to Bluewater, New Mexico, ready for whatever adventur…


In The Little House in the Fairy Wood

Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan

Ethel Cook Eliot

A lonely boy is taken in by the friendly inhabitants of a little house in the woods. Through this adventure, he finds the fairy folk, nature…

When the Foxes Took to the Trees

In The Boy Scouts Through the Big Timber

Read by Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan

St. George Henry Rathborne

The Silver Fox Patrol is out in the Rocky Mountains, camping in the Big Timber. Many adventures await these boys, including a dunking in th…