Saint Jerome

The Life of St. Hilarion

Read by ancientchristian

St. Hilarion (291–371 AD) was an anchorite who lived most of his life in the desert after the example of St. Anthony the Great (251–356 AD).…

On Illustrious Men (De Viris Illustribus)

Read by ancientchristian

This is a collection of 135 brief biographies by St. Jerome of his forebears and contemporaries. It is often cited as a primary source of in…

Against Jovinianus

Read by ancientchristian

Jovinianus, had published at Rome a treatise containing the following opinions: (1) "That a virgin is no better as such than a wife in …

The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary

Read by ancientchristian

St. Jerome composed this essay against Helvidius, who stated that because the gospels mentioned Christ as having “sisters” and “brethren” th…

Letter 22 to Eustochium

Read by Geremia

St. Jerome's most famous letter (Libellus de virginitate servanda), written to St. Eustochium, the sixteen-year-old daughter of the Roman wi…