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Bible (WEB) NT 02: The Good News According to Mark

Read by Justin Brett

World English Bible

Mark's Gospel is certainly the shortest, and possibly the earliest of the four canonical gospels. It covers Jesus' life from his Baptism to …

Ash Dogs

Read by Justin Nicholes

Justin Nicholes

Marcus Green has just been discharged after a tour of duty in Iraq. Wounded and disfigured, Marcus returns to a life he barely recognizes...…

Quiet Talks on Power

Read by Justin Vistine

Samuel Dickey Gordon and S. D. Gordon

The first book of S. D. Gordon's famous "Quiet Talks" series, "Quiet Talks on Power", explores man's inward desire for p…

Chapter 13: Bolshy the Russian

In Bonnie Prince Fetlar: The Story of a Pony and His Friends

Read by Justin

Marshall Saunders

Soon after his arrival to the lovely, cool summer escape of Devering Farm, Bonnie Prince Fetlar knows his new home will be a good one. Set i…

Number, Part 1

In The Science - History of the Universe Vol. 8: Mathematics

Read by Justin

Francis Rolt-Wheeler

Multi-volume work on science edited by Francis Rolt-Wheeler. The eighth volume is on Pure Mathematics written by L. Leland Locke and on Math…


In Daisy: the Autobiography of a Cat

Read by Justinemartin

Miranda Elliot Swan

"I was born in a clothes-basket, and do not feel ashamed of my birthplace, though fire and the swill man long ago removed all trace of …

St Cross Seminar: Genetic parenthood, assisted reproduction, and the values of p…

In Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics

Read by Justin Oakley


University of Oxford Podcasts